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  • a16z investor: There is no hole in AI infrastructure investment.

a16z investor: There is no hole in AI infrastructure investment.

In a Twitter thread, Guido Appenzeller (AI and Infra investor at a16z) argues that there is no hole in GPU and AI infrastructure investments. Appenzeller believes AI will be a ubiquitous component in any product that contains software. A $50B spend on GPU infra can easily be amortized over a $5T worldwide IT spend.

Sequoia Capital's David Cahn recently argued that NVIDIA's $50B in GPU revenue requires $200B in "AI revenue," but there's only $75B available.

What's going on here?

a16z investor Guido Appenzeller disagrees with Sequoia Capital's David Cahn that AI infrastructure is overbuilt.

What does this mean?

Appenzeller makes three main counterarguments. First, there’s confusion between different financial metrics and revenue attribution. Second, electricity costs are far lower than GPU costs over time, estimating about $0.15 in electricity over a 5-year life cycle for each $1 spent on hardware. Third and most importantly, Cahn underestimates the magnitude of the AI revolution.

Appenzeller gives an example of $200B+ networking infra spend per year. He quotes, “Does this create $800b in "networking software" revenue? No, but Google uses networking infra to sell ads, and it shows up as ad revenue.”

Why should I care?

This debate matters because it predicts the size of the AI market. Appenzeller believes AI infra spend is justified because AI will transform every industry. Cahn warns of excess capacity today. Both agree on long-term AI potential, but disagree on short-term risks.


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