AI FAQs you need to know

Ethan Mollick, a professor at Wharton, has answered many AI-related questions people ask him. We’re borrowing the wits of our AI master Ethan for a quick summary of these FAQs.

Do AI writing detectors work?

No, they don’t. They fail most of the time, and this failure hurts people with English as a second language more.

Images are easy, right?

Not quite so! Twisted pictures and creepy features vanished a year ago, and now hands, eyes, skin tones etc. can also fool the best eyes out there.

How to use AI in my work?

Try it. The magic box is good at some things, and bad at others. Find out how it performs on different parts of your work.

What about my data privacy?

Disable the training on your data for ChatGPT and others. If you're a big wig, use the enterprise options for better privacy control.

Will I get sued with a copyright claim?

The laws are still unclear. Though companies like Microsoft and Adobe promise to take the legal headaches if you use their tools.

What’s the future?

It’s hard to tell. Current tools are constantly changing because of human feedback and other factors. The latest addition of voice and image with LLMs is the next thing to look out for.

ps: go read the full post by sensei for more nuance.


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