AI goes for Tokyo Drift

PLUS: AI will help humans, save humans and become human.

Hey folks, today we’ve got the Japanese government looking at integrating ChatGPT, Autonomous AI agents are changing the game, and a personal agent in your glasses.

Let’s get to it.

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Who needs Italians when you can get the Japanese on board? That seems to be the thinking of OpenAI following the whole Italy ChatGPT ban, and it might see Japan driving the first proper integration of AI into their day-to-day country ops. OpenAI is considering opening an office on the East Asian island, and following a trip from Sam Altman the Japanese PM seems to have his interest peaked. He’s considering using OpenAI to integrate ChatGPT tech into their services. With my constant frustration at the UK government’s 90s-era technology, I have just one question: When are you gonna get involved Rishi?


Watching an autonomous ChatGPT bot zoom around prompting itself to find the best way to destroy humanity is actually really kinda spooky. For those who don’t know, this new craze of “autonomous AIs” are ones that iteratively prompts ChatGPT-style tech, executing subtasks to work towards an end goal, and assessing subtask effectiveness as they march forward.

This Less Wrong post throws around some interesting thoughts on them. They are fanning the sparks of AGI, behaving in a way that is actually very similar to the human cognitive problem-solving process. Integrating them with models that apply self-improvement of language models, could get rapidly more powerful as we approach the possibility of real-life AGIs. If people can potentially give it malicious tasks to solve with a seemingly infinite amount of determinism, then it may end up necessitating far more enhanced global monitoring of online behaviour.


Warning: Clicking the link above will lead to a cringe-worthy demo, but a personal project that is damn cool and super impressive 😂. This guy has put together a personal AI agent that is delivered through augmented reality smart glasses - it recognises your friend’s faces, hooks up to your texts with them, and suggests things to talk about. Judging by that demo video these aren’t gaining popularity any time soon, but my head is thinking of future use cases for people with Alzheimer’s, memory difficulties, and disabilities. Early days, but nice work!


We don’t usually do picks on new research papers, but when it’s the Sims game on autonomous AI steroids it’s both relevant and nostalgic - I can’t resist this one! Researchers put 25 autonomous ChatGPT-style agents into a simulated town with motivations to see if they would engage in human-like behaviour, and they really did. In fact, they did it so much that they scored higher on human likeness than humans! They were able to both reflect on their memories, as well as reflect upon reflections of memories, make human event plans, and all sorts.

🛠️ Cool Tools

Product launches, updates and demos
  • Personal GPT - Interact with ChatGPT via Telegram and voice. (link)

  • Chat Bling - AI assistant, image generation, and audio transcription all within WhatsApp. (link)

  • Triple Whale launches ChatGPT plugin for e-commerce benchmarks with data from 6000+ Shopify stores. (link)

  • Turbo Pilot - Self-hosted copilot clone using Llama and Codegen. (link)

  • Mailmaker - Design and write emails easily with AI. (link)

  • Docuwriter - Automatically generate comprehensive and accurate documentation from source code files. (link)

  • Cohesive - Forget prompts to create, edit and publish seamlessly. (link)

  • GOLDEN - The universal retriever plugin for ChatGPT. (link)

  • GPT Everywhere - Use chatGPT in any textbox on the web. (link)

  • Proof of concept using LangChain to give an AI agent access to the terminal. (link)

  • LifeOS - An operating system for your entire life. (link)

  • Web Scrape AI - Automate your data collection with no-code. (link)

  • Glean - AI-powered workplace search with personalised results and knowledge discovery. (link)

🤓 Miscellaneous

News, podcasts, videos, blogs etc
  • 5 lessons learned from adding ChatGPT to a mature product. (link)

  • Studying the humanities to understand language models. (link)

  • AI can’t take over everyone’s jobs soon, if ever. (link)

  • Composing instrumental music with LLM part 1. (link)

  • Alibaba to roll out its rival to ChatGPT across all its products. (link)

  • Learning to detect touches on cluttered tables. (link)

  • WebBrain - Learning to generate factually correct articles for queries by grounding on large web corpus. (link)

  • OpenAGI - When LLM meets domain experts. (link)

🎓 Learn

How-to’s and resources
  • Multiple ways you can use LangChain and Supabase together. (link)

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📰 Unclassifieds

Short, sponsored links 
  • 🔍 AI-powered competitive intelligence. Stay in the loop with bite-sized briefs about your competitor's latest updates and content. (link)

  • Celia - Use ChatGPT in WhatsApp for free, just like chatting with your assistant. (link)

  • Want to build your own AI-powered web app? Take No Code MBA's course and learn with beginner-friendly tutorials. No coding required.

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