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  • Character AI's bots can now talk to you.

Character AI's bots can now talk to you.

Character AI just launched a new feature called Character Voice that lets you chat with characters in their own voice! Before, only paid subscribers had access to fancy voice features. Now, everyone can use Character Voice for free.

What’s going on here?

Character AI gives its chatbot voice for 1:1 chats.

What does that mean?

Character Voice is out of a limited preview (which was for only c.ai+ users). If you’re into AI characters that speak, Character AI bundled some goodies to munch on with this release:

  • There’s a voice library of other users who have made it public. C AI team has also made some.

  • You can create your own voice with just 10 seconds of clear source audio.

  • Voices can be shared, searched and set as default by users.

It's like getting a Hollywood voice actor for your favourite characters, but way more accessible.

Why Should I Care?

Imagine having your favourite video game character chat with you in their own voice. Or picture getting study tips from Einstein in his iconic accent. That's the kind of immersive experience Character Voice unlocks. Plus, it opens up a world of creative possibilities for writers, artists, and anyone who wants to bring their characters to life in a new way.


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