Daily Digest #271

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Daily Digest #271

Hello folks, here’s what we have today;

  1. Frontier Model Forum updates - Together with Anthropic, Google, and Microsoft, OpenAI announced the new Executive Director of the Frontier Model Forum and a new $10 million AI Safety Fund. 🍿 Our Summary (also below)

  2. Google has launched 3 new ways to check images and sources online. Image metadata includes fields that may indicate that it has been generated or enhanced by AI. 🍿 Our Summary (also below)

  3. Amazon rolls out AI-powered image generation to help advertisers deliver a better ad experience for customers. 🍿 Our Summary

  4. Microsoft has over a million paying Github Copilot users

  5. Introducing creator monetization for Poe’s Bot creators

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  • Fabric AI - Copilot for all your apps, clouds and files.

  • Sync - an API for real-time lip-sync.

  • Data Provenance Initiative - a large-scale audit of AI datasets used to train large language models

  • ASH - An Ai-pocket field guide. A Pokedex, but real.

  • AI Tinkerers SF’s showcase roundup

  • Novita - Fast and cheap AI image generation API for 10000+ models

  • Audio Writer - Turn your thoughts into clear writing, automatically.

  • OpenAPI DevTools - Effortlessly discover API behaviour that generates OpenAPI specifications

  • ReactAgent - React.js LLM Agent for next-generation coding

  • OpenAI - Creating safe AGI for all.

  • Scale - Bring human intelligence to software.

  • Microsoft - Leading the new era of AI.

  • Inworld - Crafting unique stories for NPC interactions.

  • Pinecone - Vector databases for everyone.

  • Coreweave - The GPU cloud.

  • Synthesia - Text to videos in minutes.

  • Adept - A new way to use computers.


Google has launched 3 new ways to check images and sources online. Image metadata includes fields that may indicate that it has been generated or enhanced by AI.

What's going on here?

Google is launching new AI-powered features to provide more context around images and sources you find online.

What does this mean?

Google is addressing the spread of misinformation by equipping users with more information to evaluate what they see. This includes surfacing an image's history, metadata, and how others describe it. For sources, AI will generate descriptions summarizing info from reliable sites.

Why should I care?

These tools address increasing concerns about image authenticity online. With visual misinformation spreading rapidly, having accessible verification tools is essential. About this image's metadata and usage history can reveal manipulated images. Integrating image search into Fact Check Explorer streamlines investigating suspect images for journalists. Source descriptions supplemented by AI can quickly provide background on unfamiliar sites.

Ultimately, these are practical tools that improve online credibility with minimal effort for users. In an era where viral falsehoods spread rapidly, improving accessibility to verification features helps promote a healthier online information ecosystem. These incremental expansions optimize existing fact checking abilities, rather than introducing wholly new paradigms. Google astutely targets specific pain points around unfamiliar sources and out-of-context images that are straightforward to operationalize. Though not foolproof, added friction and transparency around verifying images and sources meaningfully improves the status quo.


Frontier Model Forum updates - Together with Anthropic, Google, and Microsoft, OpenAI announced the new Executive Director of the Frontier Model Forum and a new $10 million AI Safety Fund.

What's going on here?

Major AI companies are banding together to promote AI safety research and practices.

What does this mean?

The Frontier Model Forum was formed by leading AI companies to advance responsible development of powerful AI models. They have now appointed Chris Meserole, who has extensive experience in AI policy, as Executive Director. The companies, along with philanthropic donors, are also committing over $10 million to launch an AI Safety Fund that will support independent research into AI safety techniques like red teaming. The Forum has published its first technical update on red teaming definitions and case studies to establish a common baseline. They aim to share knowledge and best practices on safely building, testing and evaluating the most capable AI systems.

Why should I care?

As AI becomes more powerful, ensuring it is developed safely and ethically is crucial. This collaboration between industry leaders shows commitment to making AI trustworthy by investing in safety research and bringing in outside experts. While AI promises immense benefits, its risks need to be addressed. Initiatives like the Frontier Model Forum and AI Safety Fund are important steps toward responsible AI innovation that considers not just capabilities, but consequences. Supporting independent scrutiny and high safety standards will lead to AI that works for people.

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