Daily Digest: AI learns empathy

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Hello folks, here’s what we have today;

  1. We’ve published 4 new tutorials and 1 case study:

    1. Case study: Using AI for business processes and products

    2. Analyse a business idea (link)

    3. Writing press releases for product announcements (link)

    4. Analysing classroom engagement with AI tools (link)

    5. How to build an AI tutor chatbot (link)

  2. Hume AI shocked Twitter with EVI. Empathic Voice Interface (EVI) is a conversational AI with emotional intelligence. It understands your tone of voice and emotions to tune its own language and speech.🍿Our Summary (also below)

  3. DataBricks announces a new open-source model called DBRX. It is a mixture-of-experts model and costed $10M to train. DBRX beats other open models like Llama 2 70B and Mixtral and performs similar to Gemini 1.0 Pro and Claude 3 Haiku on benchmarks (somewhat better than GPT 3.5).

  4. OpenAI’s GPT store is just bringing 1.5% of the traffic to ChatGPT. But OpenAI is not giving up on GPTs (like they did on plugins). GPT makers are getting invites to OpenAI’s monetization program for these custom chatbots.

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Hume AI previewed a new chatbot called EVI. EVI standing for empathic voice interface is a conversational AI that understands the tone of your voice and then adjusts his language and speech based on that.

What is going on here?

Hume AI’s new demo of an empathic chatbot is the next surprise in AI.

What does this mean?

First off, you have to try EVI to get a real sense of what capturing emotion from voice looks like. But still to give you a quick brief, here’s how EVI makes interacting with AI using voice much better.

  1. It responds with human-like tones of voice based on your expressions.

  2. Reacts to your expressions with language that addresses your needs and maximizes satisfaction.

  3. EVI knows when to speak because it uses your tone of voice for state-of-the-art end-of-turn detection.

  4. It stops when interrupted, but can always pick up where it left off.

  5. It can notice your reaction to its responses and self-improve over time.

EVI’s in a preview right now but devs can apply for early access to the API. Hume also raised a $50M series B.

Why should I care?

2023 was the year of chat. 2024 and beyond will have a voice as a big part. But who wants to listen to that robotic voice from AI chatbots? The current AI voices might sound like a human but they lose the nuance when speaking long-form text.

Hume is trying to solve that with EVI. If it can, imagine many more AI therapy and AI relationship tools coming up soon. One interesting idea away from these can be “speech practice”—using the little markers that show emotions present in your voice to create a public speaking coach.

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