Daily Digest: Apple Intelligence

PLUS: The character of AI, antitrust cases against AI gaints.

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Hello folks, here’s what we have today;

  1. Apple's WWDC 2024 starts today - The rumour mill is buzzing with AI possibilities, but will the reality match the hype? Here's what to realistically expect from “Apple Intelligence”:

    • Borrowed brains from OpenAI - Partnership to get a chatbot running. Siri 2.0 will come later.

    • Smart summaries for articles, emails, and meeting notes (with AI-generated replies).

    • Other “first in history” antics like AI photo editing, voice note transcription and AI emojis (Xcode too, but I know you don’t care about that).

    • Local AI features might not work with the standard iPhone 15.

    • AI announcements at this WWDC aim to set Apple up for new devices including home robots and AR glasses.

  2. Claude’s Character - What does AI’s personality look like? AI models are typically trained to avoid harm, but should AI try to be more like humans? That's exactly what Anthropic is exploring with Claude 3’s character training.🍿Our Summary (also below)

  3. US is likely to open broad antitrust probe into AI giants. The DOJ is looking into Nvidia where the FTC is checking in on Microsoft regarding its ties with OpenAI and the recent talent scoop-up from InfectionAI. I asked the top AI chatbots for a quick overview of all these antitrust probes. Judge'em yourself.

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AI models are typically trained to avoid harm, but what about going beyond that? Should AI strive to be more like the people we admire—curious, truthful, and open-minded? That's exactly what Anthropic is exploring with Claude.

What is going on here?

Anthropic talks about their process of character training their latest model Claude 3.

What does this mean?

Imagine tossing a ball of play prompts to Claude. These prompts might be questions about ethics, or requests for Claude to craft messages that reflect different points of view. Claude then throws the ball back, formulating responses that align with its desired character traits. Anthropic's researchers play catch alongside Claude, carefully monitoring and adjusting the prompts to fine-tune its character development.

Shaping Claude's character is like walking a tightrope. The goal is for Claude to be transparent about its own biases, while still providing honest and insightful conversation. It shouldn't simply parrot information or mimic the user's views. Instead, Claude should be a thoughtful partner in exploration, able to engage with a variety of perspectives without losing its own sense of curiosity.**

Anthropic's experiments have shown that equipping Claude with broad character traits, rather than filling it with specific opinions, allows it to navigate the complexities of the real world more effectively. They've also discovered that transparency is key. Users need to understand that they're interacting with an AI, not a human oracle, and that Claude, like all of us, has its own unique perspective.

Why should I care?

Character development in AI is a new and exciting frontier. It could lead to more engaging and trustworthy AI assistants that feel less like tools and more like collaborators. As AI becomes increasingly integrated into our lives, ensuring it aligns with human values becomes crucial. Anthropic's work on Claude's character is a significant step in that direction.

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