Daily Digest: ChatGPT plus is back

PLUS: Gemini Pro in API, Mistral's path to $2B and OpenAI spends money on news.

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Daily Digest #306

Hello folks, here’s what we have today;

  1. I wrote a deep-dive on Mistral, an OpenAI competitor that has rocketed to $2bn in less than 12 months. I dive into their seed deck and analyse their roadmap to see what they’ve achieved vs what they set out to do. And I take a look at how people are using it, what developers are saying about it and what opportunities there are.

  2. Google has made Gemini Pro available in API. Gemini Pro is the 2nd-best model from its new family of AI models Gemini. Gemini Pro is currently free for developers and enterprises to start building with.🍿Our Summary (also below)

  3. Some more stuff from Google:

  4. Axel Springer, a big media company, is teaming up with OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT. They want to use AI to improve journalism. The companies will integrate recent news content into ChatGPT to provide users with authoritative, up-to-date information.🍿Our Summary (also below)

  5. Some more OpenAI news:

    • Converge 2 - The second cohort by Open AI fund. Six-week program for exceptional engineers, designers, researchers, and product builders using AI to reimagine the world.

    • ChatGPT Plus is back for everyone. Sam and team have found more GPUs. Also, try selecting something in ChatGPT’s reply, a new subtle feature is there.

    • Rumours are that GPT-4.5 is coming soon. Potentially a fake replica of OpenAI’s pricing page, but includes audio, speech, video and 3D models.

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Google has made Gemini Pro available in API. Gemini Pro is the 2nd-best model from its new family of AI models Gemini. Gemini Pro is currently free for developers and enterprises to start building with.

What is going on here?

Gemini Pro is now accessible via API for app development.

What does this mean?

Here’s what you have access to right now (not gonna bother with what’s coming up).

  • 32K context window for text and vision endpoint for multimodal use.

  • Free of cost until general availability next year. Limited at 60 queries per minute.

  • Features: function calling, embeddings, semantic retrieval and custom knowledge grounding, and chat functionality.

  • SDKs for Python, Kotlin, Node.js, Swift, and Javascript.

  • Can be used via Google AI Studio and Vertex AI.

The pricing for Gemini Pro (after general availability) is almost similar to the comparable model GPT-3.5-turbo.

For enterprise users, Google Cloud has also added a ton of things like Duet AI for code, AI Hypercomputer and other hardware upgrades.

Why should I care?

Google claims it outperforms similarly sized models, offers multilingual support across 180+ countries. But as everyone predicted, giving devs access a week after the launch is hurting Google. I haven’t seen any dev playing with it on X. (Mistral is where the attention is at)

But if you want to try the models out, testing it now is the best option. The free options are generous and there’s generally alpha in looking where others aren’t.


Axel Springer, a big media company, is teaming up with OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT. They want to use AI to improve journalism.

What is going on here?

The companies will integrate recent news content into ChatGPT to provide users with authoritative, up-to-date information.

What does this mean?

ChatGPT will now give users summaries and links to some of Axel Springer's articles from places like POLITICO and BUSINESS INSIDER (plus European publications BILD and WELT). So people get access to good information that's normally behind a paywall.

What's in it for Axel Springer? They get to put their content into ChatGPT to keep readers up-to-date. And they can build other AI stuff using OpenAI's technology. OpenAI also gets to use Axel Springer's articles to train its AI models.

Why should I care?

Both companies are serious about using AI to help journalism thrive into the future. The goal is to make sure publishers can keep funding solid reporting, even with all the new technology shaking things up.

In the end, it's good for users and good for journalism. You get AI systems serving up better facts and data. News organizations can keep digging up what matters. It's using tech responsibly to inform people and support public knowledge. Pretty chill way for AI and journalism to work together if you ask me!

One concern that I saw on X is that there is a hypocrisy in licensing data from big media companies while claiming that training on huge amounts of other copyrighted work, often from smaller companies and individuals, is fair use.

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