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Daily Digest: Days where decades happen

PLUS: A glimpse of post work era

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Daily Digest #279

Hello folks, here’s what we have today;

  1. Open AI’s dev day was terrrrriffic. [keynote video] Sam Altman launched a new language model, with tons of added powers. Then announced a bunch of other models to API. Took some sweet time to chat with Satya (and poke him about OpenAI and Microsoft’s relationship). Went all philosophical before dropping the big bomb. 🍿Our Summary (also below)

  2. Open AI has released its first version of AI agents. They are called GPTs. GPTs are custom chatbots within ChatGPT that you can create without knowing how to code. GPTs can focus on individual tasks with all the knowledge and tools of ChatGPT behind them.🍿Our Summary (also below)

  3. Zapier introduces new AI Actions feature, which allows AI platforms to use Zapier's existing integrations and actions. AI Actions enables AI systems to execute workflows and automations through Zapier's platform without needing to build custom integrations.🍿Our Summary (also below)

  • SudoWrite - AI for creative writers.

  • xAI - Building AI to understand the universe.

  • LlamaIndex - Connecting developers, LLMs and their data.

  • Superagent - Open source framework for building AI Assistants.


Unclassifieds - short, sponsored links

  • Penny - a free online AI shopping Assistant to help you save money and time.


Open AI’s dev day was terrrrriffic. Sam Altman launched a new language model, with tons of added powers. Then announced a bunch of other models to API. Took some sweet time to chat with Satya (and poke him about OpenAI and Microsoft’s relationship). Went all philosophical before dropping the big bomb.

What is going on here?

Nothing, just Open AI slaying (literally for wrappers) at its first dev day.

What does this mean?

— Open AI launched GPT-4 Turbo.

GPT-4 Turbo is trained up to April 2023 and has a context length of 128k tokens (about 300 pages). And it’s 2-3x cheaper than GPT-4.

It’s better at following instructions: There’s a JSON mode to get replies in JSON by default., you can call multiple functions at once or reproduce consistent outputs using a seed parameter.

— MultiModal API

Open AI API is getting all the multimodal features of ChatGPT. That includes:

  • DallE-3: Ability to generate images programmatically.

  • GPT-4 Turbo with Vision: Image input for GPT-4 Turbo.

  • TTS and TTS HD: Text to speech in 6 preset voices. TTS for speed and TTS HD for quality.

  • Whisper V3: Open source. Announced, coming to API this month.

— The big bomb: GPTs and Assistant API

GPTs are custom chatbots within ChatGPT. You can create them just by prompting the GPT builder. It’ll set up the custom instructions automatically. It’ll name your bot, create a profile picture for it and even suggest default questions to display for the user. For more powers: you can configure your GPT to

  • Accept external documents to do the retrieval. No need for creating embeddings, implementing chunking or setting up a search algorithm.

  • Allow using tools like code interpreter (yes they renamed it back), web browsing, and DallE-3.

You can then preview your GPT before making it live: for yourself, your team, or everyone in the GPT store. We’ll have a more detailed preview for GPTs once they are available.

The Assistants API is the same but developers can build similar custom chatbots for their websites with more control and more features.

— Miscellaneous

  • Fine-tuning support is now generally available for GPT-3.5 16k. Active fine-tuning developers are invited to GPT-4 fine-tuning experimental program.

  • Custom Models Program: Companies (that are huge and filthy rich) can work with Open AI staff to create custom models with their proprietary data (ranging in billions of tokens).

  • 2X higher rate limits for everyone and 2x-3x pricing reduction across multiple language models.

  • Copyright Shield - Legal responsibility for API and Enterprise usage.

Why should I care?

Do I really need to answer this…

Okay!! As uncle Sam said, this is the V1 of what’s coming—fully autonomous agents. The best way to be ready is to experiment with the early versions. Think hard about how they change your life and work.

Or you can not care, your wish…


Open AI has released its first version of AI agents. They are called GPTs. GPTs are custom chatbots within ChatGPT that you can create without knowing how to code. GPTs can focus on individual tasks with all the knowledge and tools of ChatGPT behind them.

What is going on here?

Open AI released custom chatbots called GPTs at its Dev Day.

What does this mean?

You can create GPTs just by prompting the GPT builder. It’ll set up the custom instructions automatically. It’ll name your bot, create a profile picture for it and even suggest default questions to display for the user.

Next up, you can configure your GPT to use code interpreter (yes they renamed it back), web browsing or DallE-3. You can also add external documents to give your GPTs additional knowledge/context. It’ll automatically do the retrieval, with no need for technical set-up (eg: embeddings, chunking or search algos).

You can then preview your GPT before making it live: for yourself, your team, or everyone in the GPT store. The GPT store will come live soon and it’ll have revenue sharing for top creators.

Why should I care?

In the long term, Open AI's vision is to evolve GPTs into fully autonomous agents. But right now, think of them as Plugins made accessible. If you had a prompt, or a workflow you were using repeatedly within chatGPT but didn’t know how to turn it into a plugin, you can do that with GPTs now (again, no coding and much better performance).

And when GPTs take over, I’ll also just GPT - Go Play Tennis.


Zapier introduces new AI Actions feature, which allows AI platforms to leverage Zapier's existing integrations and actions. AI Actions enables AI systems to execute workflows and automations through Zapier's platform without needing to build custom integrations.

What is going on here?

Zapier launches AI Actions - A tool for builders to run any Zapier action from AI platforms.

What does this mean?

AI Actions gives AI platforms access to Zapier's catalog of 20,000+ actions like sending Slack messages, creating HubSpot leads, or drafting Gmail replies. This removes the typical hurdles of third-party authentication and API integration. Now, an AI system's natural language command can act as the trigger, and Zapier's actions handle the execution.

AI Actions supports major AI platforms like ChatGPT and GPT models out of the box. It can also be used natively within Zapier to enable automations there. Finally, developers can build custom private integrations using the AI Actions REST API and API keys.

Why should I care?

With AI Actions, you can quickly automate workflows leveraging existing Zapier actions. No longer needing to build custom APIs saves significant development time and resources.

And since you can use natural language, the automations can be done by the non-technical team members as well, freeing up the engineers for technically hard problems.

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  • All 10k+ links we’ve covered, easily filterable (1 referral)

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