Daily Digest: Figma to Replit

PLUS: text on images, GPTs push ahead.

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Hello folks, here’s what we have today;

  1. ICYMI I wrote how Glean made a $Bn business from an idea the founder had while working at Google.

  2. Stability AI has announced Stable Diffusion 3. From Twitter sample images, looks like this model can spell correct text and focus on multiple subjects when creating images. Get on the waitlist for an early preview or check more 🍿details + samples. (also below)

  3. OpenAI is updating its custom GPTs option and its GPT store toward being “the next app store”. You can now rate GPTs, send feedback and see similar info in the About section.🍿Our Summary (also below)

  4. Google confirms its partnership with Reddit. Google gets access to Reddit’s data API (for AI and Search). On the other end, Reddit will use Google’s AI to improve its search feature.


Stability AI has announced its new image generation model: Stable Diffusion 3. While it’s not out yet, Stability claims it’s their best text-to-model with new architecture, responsible training and various model sizes.

What is going on here?

Stable Diffusion 3 is in early research preview.

What does this mean?

From Twitter sample images, looks like this model can spell correct text and focus on multiple subjects when creating images. Check out some of them:

The SD3 family of models range from 800M to 8B parameters. While the previous image models from Stability were “diffusion models” this uses a mix of diffusion and transformer architecture that would allow the model to scale even further. SD3 will also be able to accept multimodal inputs.

Stability AI also claim that they cleaned all their dataset based on Spawning AI’s Do Not Train registry which has over 1.5B opt-out requests and other manual requests made to Stability.

Why should I care?

The model is not out for everyone to use. But you can get on the waitlist for an early preview. Multi-subject and spelling errors are big problems in image generation models (hands are pretty much solved now), and SD3 takes them head-on.

Currently, many indie image tools are about human images and photorealism, rather than corporate use cases like Graphic Design. With SD3 I think that barrier is gonna break and we’ll see many such indie tools.


OpenAI is updating its custom GPTs option and its GPT store toward being “the next app store”. You can now rate GPTs, send feedback and see similar info in the About section.

What is going on here?

The GPT store got some updates making it more like an app store.

What does this mean?

You can now review GPTs where you can rate them with ⭐s and provide private feedback directly to the builder. The About section of GPTs is much more detailed now. It can have:

  • Builder social profiles

  • Ratings

  • Categories

  • # of conversations

  • Conversation starters

  • Other GPTs by the builder

Why should I care?

OpenAI’s GPT store is currently a) a work in progress and b) still underrated. While OpenAI is making upgrades to make it the next app store, you should try with custom GPTs more.

That includes using the publically available ones and creating a few for your own use. Lenny wrote a nice post on why you should be playing GPTs at work.

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  • All 10k+ links we’ve covered, easily filterable (1 referral)

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