Daily Digest: Hour long chats

PLUS: ChatGPT upgrades, but no GPT-5.

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Hello folks, here’s what we have today;

  1. ICYMI I did a deep dive into Klarna’s AI efforts. Klarna made headlines recently with AI replacing 700 support agents, with the potential of $40M profit gain.

  2. Inflection AI has marked its attendance in the “GPT-4 class” of models. Their new model, Inflection-2.5, goes toe-to-toe with giants like GPT-4, all while saving a ton on training costs. 6M people are using its free chatbot, Pi, every month for hours.🍿Our Summary (also below)

  3. OpenAI’s drama isn’t over yet. The New York Times is now digging up stuff and claiming that Mira Murati had some questions about Sam’s management style before he got ousted. Mira sent a message to employees, refusing any indication that she wanted Sam out.🍿Our Summary (also below)

  4. ChatGPT now has multi-factor authentication. It’s also experimenting with a new "Upgraded response" feature for free users. It shows a GPT-4 generated response with a call to upgrade to ChatGPT Plus.

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Inflection AI, the AI company by DeepMind's Mustafa Suleyman and LinkedIn's Reid Hoffman, has marked its attendance into the “GPT-4 class” of models. Their new model, Inflection-2.5, goes toe-to-toe with giants like GPT-4, all while saving a ton on training costs.

What is going on here?

Inflection AI’s new model, Inflection 2.5, competes with GPT-4 to build the ultimate personal AI.

What does this mean?

Honestly, people might have forgotten about Inflection AI for a minute. They promised a different kind of personal AI and talked about building the largest cluster of GPUs. Well, they've seriously delivered. This Inflection-2.5 model is a game-changer, and the numbers speak for themselves.

They're claiming it does 94% of what GPT-4 can do using way less training power (and let's be real, nobody knows exactly what OpenAI spent on GPT-4!). On top of raw smarts, it's crushing it in areas like coding, math, and general IQ.

Inflection’s free AI chatbot, Pi, has already got Inflection 2.5 running in the background. The stats for Pi’s usage are another shocker. It has 6M MAU with an average chat being over 33 minutes.

It’s also growing 10% month over month. And now, it also has access to real-time info from the web. Pi is on all platforms—desktop, iOS, and Android. Pi’s voice output makes it really feel like a friend (with that quirky personality—see image below).

ps: some replies from Pi are eerily similar to Anthropic’s Claude. Are they A/b testing with Anthropic’s API? That’d be hilarious.

Why should I care?

It’s surprising to get beastly models, actually 2, from AI companies (Anthropic and Inflection) that lean on the AI safety and regulation side. In an exclusive interview with Axios, Mustafa mentioned, "It's been an amazing story of access, I would argue, and actually a very impressive story of very limited harms.”

Apart from that, this release opens up many possibilities:

  • You can train powerful models with less compute.

  • Inflection also released a corrected version of MT-bench, which they found has 25% inaccurate answers.

  • There’s demand for personal AI chatbots, not just work assistants.

Well, good for us, now maybe OpenAI will release whatever they have been cooking.


OpenAI’s CEO Sam Altman got fired and rehired in a week last year. But the drama isn’t over yet. The New York Times is now digging up stuff and claiming that Mira Murati had some questions about Sam’s management style before he got ousted.

What is going on here?

Mira and Ilya had raised red flags about OpenAI’s CEO work style.

What does this mean?

The New York Times claim that Mira Murati raised concerns about Sam Altman’s management style—both to him directly and to the OpenAI board. These concerns were supposedly about Sam’s manipulative behaviour and power to shut out executives when they didn’t agree with him. Mira wasn't alone, NYT adds that co-founder Ilya Sutskever also chimed in. (btw, where’s Ilya?)

Mira’s internal communications after this article went live confirmed bits and pieces while refusing any indication that she wanted Sam out. Here are snippets from Mira’s message to the team (again, as reported by NYT).

  • We have a strong and productive partnership and I have not been shy about sharing feedback with him directly.

  • When individual board members reached out directly to me for feedback about Sam, I provided it—all feedback Sam already knew.

  • That did not mean she was “responsible for or supported the old board’s actions.”

Why should I care?

Irrespective of what you believe, OpenAI is one of the most important AI companies right now (if not the most important). And it’s being overseen by a de-facto board for 3+ months now.

With more GPT-4 level models coming out, talent moves (Karpathy left OAI last month), Elon and NYT’s lawsuits and now, more drama, OpenAI has a hard couple of months ahead of it.

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