Daily Digest: Insider AI network.

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Hello folks, here’s what we have today;

  1. ICYMI we started a marketing-specific version of Ben’s Bites that’ll be sent out weekly. The first post is here and the next one’s going live on Thursday. Subscribe.

  2. After showing a sneak peek of its video generation model, OpenAI is launching a version of its own community—the OpenAI forum. But this new forum is more than just a community, it’s OpenAI’s attempt at making direct contact with experts, reviewers and users.🍿Our Summary (also below)

  3. Nvidia’s bringing all authors of the “Attention is All You Need” paper together for a session with Jensen Huang. Register here to attend.

  • Summate - Get daily digest with summaries of your newsletters.

  • Rio - AI for fact-checked news.

  • Slack Holiday Mode by Spoke - Stress-free returns from holidays with smart catchups.

  • GovernGPT - Modernizing buy-side investor relations with AI.

  • Sonia - Mental health for every mind.

  • cbt.chat - Get unstuck and happy again.

  • Diligent - GenAI assistant for fintech risk and compliance operations.

  • Melon - Keep your knowledge active & alive through AI.


Unclassifieds - short, sponsored links


Right after showing a sneak peek of its video generation model, OpenAI launched a version of its own community—the OpenAI forum. But this new forum is more than just a community, it’s OpenAI’s attempt at making direct contact with experts, reviewers and users.

What is going on here?

OpenAI starts a hub for sharing ideas, networking, and shaping the way powerful AI tools are developed.

What does this mean?

OpenAI forum is currently invite-only (or you can apply to join). Right now, all of its offerings are behind that invite-wall. But here’s what OpenAI is promising:

  • Roundtables, webinars, and in-person events with experts from OpenAI and other institutions. Example: The forum has a future session scheduled on red-teaming AI models.

  • Forum members can work with OpenAI's researchers to make their models safer, more helpful, and better aligned with human values (and OpenAI’s willing to pay for this help).

  • Access to other people (which OpenAI claims is a diverse network of experts) and specific groups focused on different goals.

So, who's eligible? They're looking for people passionate about AI who can commit to a bit of active involvement (minimum of an hour per quarter). You should also have some solid experience in your field, whether that's research, technology, or beyond. Invites from existing form members also get you in.

Why should I care?

This isn't just about geeking out (though that's fun!). If you work in AI or a related field, you should apply to join—OpenAI’s Forum is a direct line to shaping AI. It’s easy to see this forum as another subreddit or place to casually talk about AI, but as of now, it’s extremely curated and focused on getting experts together to improve AI models.

Ben’s Bites Insights

We have 2 databases that are updated daily which you can access by sharing Ben’s Bites using the link below;

  • All 10k+ links we’ve covered, easily filterable (1 referral)

  • 6k+ AI company funding rounds from Jan 2022, including investors, amounts, stage etc (3 referrals)


or to participate.