Daily Digest: Next-gen AI videos

PLUS: how clearbit uses ai internally

Hello folks, here’s what we have today;

  1. I wrote a deep dive on how Clearbit’s team uses AI. Clearbit is a data enrichment company, acquired by Hubspot last year for $150M. Here’s what I took away from my conversation with Joao, the Director of AI:

    • exploring use cases with an AI champion in charge

    • rolling it out to the team by forming small, cross-functional teams and speaking with external experts

    • the challenges you’ll face when doubling down on AI implementation in your product and team

    • which tools they use and why

    • leveraging AI agents to automate your life and get time back

    • how much AI has changed the way different teams work

    • steps for AI adoption in your team

  2. Google shows off Lumiere. Google released a new paper and a bunch of demo videos for its new video diffusion model. Lumiere, according to Google, is preferred by users in tests with Runway Gen-2, Pika and Stable Video Diffusion. Bilawal talks about how this can make its way to YouTube. Again, we don’t have a shipped product to try out ourselves.

  3.  Top news outlets, especially the mainstream ones, are blocking AI data collection bots, but right-wing media outlets are saying, "Come on in."🍿Our Summary (also below)

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We're diving into the world of AI and news media. The gist? Top news outlets, especially the mainstream ones, are blocking AI data collection bots, but right-wing media outlets are saying, "Come on in."

What is going on here?

Nearly 90% of leading news platforms are shutting their doors on AI bots, while their right-wing counterparts are rolling out the welcome mat.

What does this mean?

Okay, so major players like The New York Times and The Guardian are part of this blockade. They're trying to control how their content feeds into AI systems. Meanwhile, right-wing sites like Breitbart aren’t bothered about blocking these bots.

Researchers are speculating this might be a tactical move to influence AI models, considering these models learn from the content they consume. Also, right-wing media isn't too involved in the copyright scuffle that's got places like The New York Times at odds with AI companies.

Why should I care?

Here's why this matters to you: If you're into AI, tech, or just keeping up with the digital world, this is a big deal. It's about who gets to feed information into the ever-growing AI brain. This clash between media giants and AI firms could shape the future of how information is processed and presented by AI systems. We're looking at a tug-of-war over digital influence, and it's happening right now.

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