Daily Digest: NYT sues OpenAI

PLUS: locally record your MacBook

Hi folks,

As a reminder, Ben’s Bites Pro will go from $100/year to $150/year on Jan 1st. Two posts I’ve written so far; How Mistral AI, an OpenAI competitor, rocketed to $2Bn in <12 months and How Deel uses AI in its business.

Here’s what we have today;

  1. New York Times sues Microsoft and OpenAI for 'billions'. The lawsuit accuses the companies of using the Times' articles to train their chatbots without permission or payment. The Times is seeking the destruction of chatbot models and training data that use its copyrighted material. This lawsuit is the first of its kind where a major media organization sues an AI platform.

    •  Here’s the article from the New York Times.

    • Also, fun fact, the NYT represents ~0.0083% of common crawl (common crawl is a copy of the internet).

    • A breakdown from an IP and AI lawyer was posted on X.

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