Daily Digest: Research Alpha

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Daily Digest #307

Hello folks, yesterday felt like every hour Open AI and Deepmind were releasing research papers that top one another. Highlighting the major ones from both here and a couple more in the news below:

  1. FunSearch - Making new discoveries in mathematical sciences using LLMs. This paper from Deepmind claims that LLMs can discover new knowledge.

  2. Learning to control strong models with weak supervisors - by OpenAI’s Superalignment team. This paper explores how humans can supervise AI that is far more intelligent than humans.

  3. Stability AI is introducing a membership model for the commercial rights to their AI models. Stability AI’s CEO Emad Mostaque says that the subscription model is an easy way to sustain the creation of more models while ensuring maximum access to their models.🍿Our Summary (also below)

  4. Instagram introduces Backdrop for editing your background. The new tool was earlier announced by Meta while launching its Meta AI. You can replace the background in a green-screen-like style with AI-generated backgrounds. It’s only available for US users for now.

from our sponsor

For the better part of a decade, Numbers Station has been building AI models with a focus on analytics. Connecting data to humans is complex, and today’s LLMs do not solve the problem—in analytics, hallucinations are just called “mistakes.” 

Find out how we solve these problems in our newest whitepaper, Vertically integrated AI is the answer to legacy data problems.

  • GPT Router - Smoothly manage multiple LLMs and image models.

  • Curio - AI toys without screens for kids.

  • Myko - Unlock hidden sales insights with AI.

  • OpenChat-3.5-1210 - New 7B model from Alignment Lab AI.

  • Azure AI Studio - Advanced model and tooling support for all your needs.


Stability AI is introducing a membership model for the commercial rights to their AI models. Stability AI’s CEO Emad Mostaque says that the subscription model is an easy way to sustain the creation of more models while ensuring maximum people can access their models.

What is going on here?

Stability AI is launching a membership program to make its AI models more accessible while retaining commercial rights over the core technologies.

What does this mean?

There are 3 tiers: free for personal use, $20/month for commercial use by individuals and startups, and custom enterprise pricing.

The professional tier applies to creators, developers and startups with less than $1M in annual revenue, $1M in institutional funding, and 1M monthly active users (all three must apply). If you’re above that, you need to contact for enterprise pricing.

Currently, the subscription covers three models from Stability — SDXL Turbo (text-to-image), Stable Video Diffusion (text-to-video), and Stable LM Zephyr 3B (text-to-text). More pricing tiers and models are expected to come soon under this new membership.

Why should I care?

The membership tiers allow anyone from individuals to large companies to benefit from Stability AI's models commercially or personally. This sustains their goal of advancing open AI while retaining control and funding future developments.

As AI becomes more powerful, keeping it accessible, innovative and responsible matters. Stability AI's plan makes state-of-the-art AI available to users based on their needs and budget.

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