Everyone gets a chatbot

PLUS: Amazon consoles employees, open source brownie points for Meta and risks for Stability AI.

Hey folks, and welcome to the 6,072 folks joining since last week. Our long Easter weekend is coming to an end and the sun’s stopped shining here. Back to reality…

Today we’ve got Poe enabling building your own chatbots (free), Amazon telling employees ‘something is coming’, AI meditation and babyGPT.

Let’s get to it.

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We all know that many useful (and sometimes funny) AI tools are ChatGPT API with a system prompt—reply like Elon Musk, think you’re a designer, etc. Adam, CEO of Quora, now working on Poe, tweeted a new feature launch: Create a bot. You give your awesome prompt as the guide, and a powerful model like ChatGPT or Claude Instant works behind the scene.

That’s it, no programming. It’s easier than making a new Instagram account.

But what makes it cooler is that your bot now has:

  • Simple UI of Poe

  • Data sync across devices

  • Social media like usernames (poe.com/username)

Oh! And I forgot one thing. It’s free. Poe is covering the cost of everything from maintenance to LLM fees. I see the social media of chatbots in the making.


The AI wave has been missing two big names till now. The two As from the FAANG (sorry, but MAANG doesn’t sound cool). Amazon and Apple are relatively silent in the generative AI space. I mean, yes, AWS is doing some partnerships here and there, but there’s nothing consumer-facing.

So the company is now telling employees they have something up their sleeve. Exactly what, we don’t know. As far as I can guess, it’s either some new enterprise product or something wild with Alexa. (Jeff is still heartbroken over voice assistants not taking off)

Unpaywalled version here.


Do you know what the secret to understanding LLMs is? It’s meditation.

Not that simple, though. It’s meditation under stress. So here’s an app to guide you through meditation when you’re hiding from a dinosaur or becoming a Mongol warrior. 🤣🤣🤣

Check it out.


Stanford/Google researchers just brought out this research in which they created AI "generative agents" that live in a virtual world, have their own identities, chat with each other, form friendships, and even throw parties!

ps: Andrej Karpathy tested the visual implementation of Baby GPT in a simple setting of only two tokens. Interesting observations on how LLMs learn and gain bias. (link)

🛠️ Cool Tools

Product launches, updates and demos
  • Landing AI - Create a website by explaining your products and branding angle. (link)

  • LMQL - Open source programming language and platform for language model interaction. (link)

  • Hubspot’s Chatspot v3 is live with GPT-4. (link)

  • ChatGDB - Use ChatGPT to debug inside the GNU debugger. (link)

  • Sheepy-T - A fully open-source language model instruction-tuned and based on GPT-J. Demo of it running locally on iPhone 14. (link)

  • Marketing copilot AI - Describe your content style, target audience and get 60 unique tweet ideas. (link)

  • Trickle - 200 ready to use prompts to assist in your daily tasks. (link)

  • Teamsmart AI - Open ChatGPT instantly with chrome extension. No login required and instant access to a library of quality prompts. (link)

  • AgentGPT - AI agent thinks, comes up with an execution plan and takes actions directly in the browser. (link)

  • DoctorGPT - Monitor your application logs for software failures and diagnose them.(link)

  • Ask anything about Langchain in JS with this chatbot from Support Guy. (link)

  • Copilot for Dating - Master the art of flirting, spark connections and ignite chemistry with AI assistance. (link)

🤓 Miscellaneous

News, podcasts, videos, blogs etc
  • Game on in generative AI. (link)

  • Should we bomb the GPU clusters? A primer. (link)

  • A brief history of LLM benchmarking and the devil in their details. (link)

  • Why the 6-month AI pause is a bad idea - Andrew Ng and Yann LeCun. (link)

  • Stability AI is on shaky ground as it burns through cash and looks at a management overhaul. (link)

  • Can GPT-4 prompt itself? MemoryGPT, AutoGPT, Jarvis, and more. (link)

  • Mom, dad, I want to be a prompt engineer. (link)

  • Ask AI using Zapier to bring AI search and qna to all your apps. (link)

  • ChatGPT - Cardiff students admit using AI on essays. (link) (Cardiff is where I’m from 👋)

  • Llamas are the answer to AI taking over our jobs. (link)

  • The AI winter - Some possible scenarios. (link)

  • What to do about AI. (link)

  • The Changelog podcast - LLMs break the internet. (link)

  • The LLama effect - How an accidental leak sparked a series of impressive open source alternatives to ChatGPT. (link)

  • AI reflections - Enthusiasts and sceptics. (link)

  • Stanford’s ML alignment scholar program is now accepting applications for the summer 2023 cohort. (link)

  • The future of education in a world of AI. (link)

  • Additions on the Meta’s segment anything model - Detection with grounding DINO, generation with stable diffusion (link), query with OWL-ViT. (link)

  • InstantBooth - Personalized text-to-image generation without test-time finetuning. (link)

  • Generative agents - Interactive simulacra of human behaviour. (link)

🎓 Learn

How-to’s and resources
  • Template for building your own custom ChatGPT style doc search powered by Next.js, OpenAI, and Supabase. (link)

  • A comprehensive guide to training and fine-tuning LLaMA. (link)

👋 Too many links?! I created a database for all links mentioned in these emails. Refer 1 friend using this link and I'll send over the link database.

📰 Unclassifieds

Short, sponsored links 
  • Upgrade your team: Tap into Reddit’s r/MachineLearning community for your next key hire. (link)

  • Build AI Apps at the Stable Diffusion hackathon. Tech tutorials and mentors to help, with all levels welcome to hack!

  • No Code MBA's step-by-step video courses teach you how to build your own AI writer and image-generation apps. (link)

  • Dear 2025 me, thank you. Execs who embrace AI training now will dominate the market and celebrate in 2025. Act now to upskill your future.

  • Meet Fina - A financial tracking tool for insights on anything in your financial life. Simply ask questions & get answers. (link)

  • Beyond the textbox - If you have a 1-2 min AI UX concept to share and want to meet fellow builders. (link)

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