NASA and IBM's AI model

PLUS: Airborne AI combat and ChatGPT updates

Hello folks, here’s what we have today;

 Our picks 


Geospatial AI models are something that rarely garners much attention over here, so this is pretty cool. IBM is open-sourcing their geospatial foundation AI model, built with NASA’s satellite data, to Hugging Face. Named, this is a huge move towards global, open collaboration on innovations in climate and Earth science. It could be utilised for things like tracking deforestation, predicting crop yields, and monitoring greenhouse gases.


Time to talk about AI and weapons. The US Air Force has managed to develop an AI agent that has proven the ability to carry out unmanned aerial combat tasks. Developed by the Autonomous Air Combat Operations (AACO) team, it’s an AI agent “solving a tactically relevant challenge problem during airborne operations.” Whether you are for or against AI in this context, this shows a pretty impressive feat of technological progress.


A bunch of updates from Open AI making ChatGPT easier to use.

1) GPT-4 by default and staying logged in.
2) Uploading multiple files in Code Interpretor
3) Prompt examples and suggested replies.
4) Keyboard shortcuts for using ChatGPT.

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 From the community 
 Cool Tools  trending product launches from the last 24 hours
  • Alpaca - Professional tools for creatives to bring their sketches, doodles to life.

  • Vector Shift - Build and deploy generative AI applications with no-code.

  • Heuristica - Less prompting and more knowledge exploration with AI.

  • Cedana - Pause/migrate/resume for compute jobs. Never lose your work again.

  • File upload in Perplexity - Start asking questions to your documents, code, or research papers.

  • Sweep AI - Let Sweep handle your tech debt so you can focus on the exciting problems.

  • EasyLLM - An open-source Python package to streamline and unify working with open LLMs.

  • SlashGPT - Playground for developers to make quick prototypes of LLM agents.

  • Ax - A comprehensive AI framework for TypeScript.

  • Comigo - Cognitive AI for ADHD.

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