No cloud access for China

PLUS: Llamaindex v0.7.0 and crypto miners enter AI

Hello folks, here’s what we have today;

Our picks


The US gov has just figured out that Chinese companies with a chip import ban can just use cloud computing for AI development… Well now they’re looking to enforce restrictions on Chinese access to US cloud services. Could this mean a sizable hit to the likes of Amazon and Microsoft’s cloud offering for AI?


Are crypto miners about to suck up their losses and pivot their massive GPU farms into AI computing services? This Ethereum miner with 38,000 GPUs is now offering such services, including added flexibility and privacy options to pip the likes of OpenAI. A somewhat left-field competitor from an unsuspecting arena!


The new version of Llamaindex has standalone LLM abstractions and responses synthesis as an independent module. Also more capabilities for metadata management to increase control over the context. This post from Jerry goes over the changes in detail and how to use these new features.

Cool Tools trending product launches from the last 24 hours
  • Vlite - Simple vector database made in numpy.

  • GPT prompt engineer - Generate, test, and rank multiple prompts to find the ones that perform the best.

  • Fliki - AI video creation 10x simpler & faster.

  • Ween – The AI platform that turns qualitative data into insights.

  • GPT-author: Generate an original fantasy novel using GPT-4 and Stable Diffusion.

  • Simplescraper AI – Pull insights by scraping any website using AI.

  • WorkViz – Visualize time allocation & productivity for remote members.

  • YC mentor - Your AI mentor with YCombinator knowledge.

  • ValiAssistant - Let AI assist you in building world changing hardware.

  • HeyHaddock - Make travel planning quick & easy with your AI travel guide.

Ben’s Bites News top posts from the last 24 hours

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