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  • OpenAI's new experiment - Crowdsourcing AI policy

OpenAI's new experiment - Crowdsourcing AI policy

We're looking at how AI's future is being shaped, and guess what? It's not just tech geeks in the driver's seat anymore. Open AI is creating a new team to get the general public’s input into framing AI policy. OpenAI started with 10 AI grants focusing on different projects around AI policy and governance.

What’s going on here?

OpenAI is mixing things up by using crowdsourced public opinion steer AI. It's pretty cool – your ideas and opinions could help decide how AI works.

What does this mean?

So, these 10 teams from different places and backgrounds are working on some cool stuff. They're not all tech nerds; some know about law, journalism, and other stuff. These projects are pretty varied too.

  • 📚 Case Law for AI Policy: AI interaction case repository

  • 💬 Collective Dialogues: Policies from public deliberation

  • 🤝 Deliberation at Scale: AI-facilitated small group discussions

  • 🦉 Democratic Fine-Tuning: Value elicitation for model tuning

  • ⚡ Energize AI: Guidelines for AI alignment

  • 👫 Generative Social Choice: Representing diverse opinions

  • 🌎 Inclusive.AI: Decentralized decision-making for underserved groups

  • 📰 Making AI Transparent by Rappler: Offline/online discussion linkage

  • 🎨 Ubuntu-AI: Inclusive LLM development for African creatives

  • 🔁 vTaiwan and Chatham House: Recursive participatory processes

To break down the learnings, public opinion on AI is always changing, so we gotta keep tabs on it constantly. Then there's the digital divide – it's tough getting everyone on board when not everyone's online or tech-savvy. There's this tightrope walk between reaching a consensus and respecting diverse viewpoints in decision-making.

Now, OpenAI is putting together a “Collective Alignment” squad. The mission? To weave public input right into the fabric of AI models and give those grant prototypes a real-world test drive. And they are on the lookout for some sharp research engineers to join the team.

Why should I care?

AI's everywhere, right? Your social media, your job, everywhere. But who gets to say what's cool or not for AI? Up until now, it's been mostly tech folks. But now, it's about getting your thoughts in there too. This is important because it's not just about making AI clever. It's about making it something that works for all of us, something that gets our values. We're shaping AI to be a part of our world, growing with us and reflecting what we all care about.


or to participate.