Responsible Innovation Lab - One more AI protocol

Investor Hemant Taneja (General Catalyst) has founded Responsible Innovation Labs with support from 35 VC firms with a protocol for responsible AI development. Though, Hemant and the firms on the list are now getting roasted left and right.

What’s going on here?

A new non-profit has popped up to create the “framework for regulating AI”.

What does that mean?

The introductory protocol put forward by RIL has 5 key action steps:

  • Secure organizational buy-in on responsible AI

  • Foster trust through transparency

  • Forecast AI risks & benefits

  • Audit and test to ensure product safety

  • Make regular and ongoing improvements

Why should I care?

Let’s get away from the X drama about “Oh! the list of VCs to not raise from has dropped” or “It’s a play to get in the good graces of old geezers”. That might be true, but as Balaji points the firms and Hemant are all respected, doing great work across different things. The primary problem is with the same limiting approach to testing and auditing, vague definitions and the general lack of tech-optimism.


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