Seven figure AI salaries are not far

PLUS: Americans don't trust AI companies and Amazon AI reviews.

Hello folks, here’s what we have today;

 Our picks 


AI talent is the biggest moat you can have today. Some weeks back, Netflix posted a job shelling out total comp as high as $900,000 to hire AI talent. Other major employers like Hinge, Walmart, Goldman Sachs, and Amazon are also recruiting AI experts with salaries reaching $250,000 or more. Prompt engineering jobs are averaging at around $130,000 total comp.

The interesting chart in this WSJ report is how even after explosive growth in AI job posting, it is just 400 jobs per million. Unpaywalled version here.


Americans don’t trust AI giants. Shockerrr!! Just kidding. This distrust was anecdotally evident, and now in a poll by YouGov surveying 1001 US votes, 82% said they don't trust tech executives to regulate AI. This report from Axios combines this with KPMG’s worldwide data from earlier this year and presents the relevant data points.

For example, 72% prefer slowing down the development of AI, but confidence in the government's ability to regulate AI is low UK (49%) and UK (45%). (there’s higher confidence in Asia with China at 86% and India at 70%)

3/ Amazon enhances product reviews with generative AI. Last week, Amazon released an LLM tool for sellers to write product descriptions. It will now summarize product reviews for the customers. The summary will capture different sentiments with a few buttons like “easy to use” or “fragile” that lead to specific reviews.

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- Learn how Transformer models work & build a retriever-reader question-answering system with Haystack
- Learn about Transformer models architecture & retriever-reader QA architecture
- Build a functional QA system using Haystack NLP open source framework
- Understand QA system evaluation, domain adaption, fine-tuning etc.

 From the community 
 Cool Tools  trending product launches from the last 24 hours
  • Backtrack - Record any meeting including Slack Huddles, Zoom, Teams, or in-person meeting up to 5 hours in the past.

  • Wrapper’s Delight - Light-weight open-source OpenAI wrapper.

  • Thiggle - Generate text completions with deterministic and structured output.

  • Fable Wizard - Create personalized children's tales in seconds.

  • Dataherald - Query your structured database in natural language.

  • MagicPaper - Load an article, ask a question, and watch the margins fill with answers.

  • Chatwith - An AI chatbot that does more than just chatting.

  • User Persona Generator – Understand your ideal customer without running 50 interviews.

  • ChartPixel - Turns your raw data into charts and written insights in 30 seconds.

  • Outlines by Normal Computing - Generate valid JSON 100% of the time.

  • Tweetify It - Turn articles and blogs into personal social media posts.

  • Kyligence Copilot - The AI copilot to chat with your business metrics.

  • Epsilla - Open-source vector database with low query latency.

 From the network 
  • The folks at a16z have made AI-town, where you can run your own custom AI world SIM with JavaScript. Read more about the building process.

 Ben’s Bites News  top posts from the last 24 hours

Unclassifieds - short, sponsored links

  • AI for social media is here. With Smart Layouts, get a daily feed of beautiful, fresh posts for social media – always on topic, always on brand.

Ben’s Bites Insights

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  • All 10k+ links we’ve covered, easily filterable (1 referral)

  • 6k+ AI company funding rounds from Jan 2022, including investors, amounts, stage etc (3 referrals)


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