Daily Digest: AI will remember

PLUS: Apple and OpenAI are talking

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Hello folks, here’s what we have today;

  1. ChatGPT’s memory feature is getting released widely to more users. It means ChatGPT will pick up facts and preferences from your texts to remember (eg: I am vegetarian, or I prefer reading bullet points). The key part is that you don’t have to specify it explicitly. You can turn it on/off in your ChatGPT settings → Personalization.

  2. Apple intensifies talks with OpenAI. Apple wants OpenAI’s models to power some of the AI features in their iOS 18 upgrade—which is supposed to be all about AI. Earlier reports also mentioned Apple is also in talks with Google to use Gemini in iPhones.

  3. The FT is licensing its articles to OpenAI. You'll now see FT content summarized within ChatGPT's responses with links to the source. FT will use OpenAI’s tools for adding AI into journalism.🍿Our Summary (also below)

  4. How Ethan Mollick became the go-to authority on AI. WSJ has done a profile of professor Ethan Mollick who consults the White House, JP Morgan, Google etc. on AI. I love Ethan’s writeups and often include them here.

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The FT is licensing its articles to OpenAI. This means ChatGPT gets smarter by learning from the FT's journalism, and you'll see FT content summarized within ChatGPT's responses.

What is going on here?

Financial Times is licensing its content to OpenAI.

What does this mean?

OpenAI is aggressively securing deals with news publications to get access to their coverage. The goal is to make ChatGPT rely on real-time news in its responses. For example: now ChatGPT could access FT reporting, use the information in its answers and link back to the original source.

The Financial Times is fifth such major organization, with Associated Press, Axel Springer, Le Monde, Prisa Media already in partnership with OpenAI. Money talk of this deal is hush-hush but it’s likely that FT is getting paid for the use of this material.

The FT will also experiment with AI-tools to help with its reporting as a part of this deal. FT became a customer of ChatGPT Enterprise earlier this year.

Why should I care? 

More established news organizations are embracing the change, but some like the NYT are also fighting it.

It’s much more likely that this is the future of how we consume news—via an AI chatbot. AI is already writing headlines and sports recaps. Get ready for AI-generated summaries, personalized news feeds, and who knows what else.

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