Daily Digest: Amazon's agent

PLUS: OpenAI sued again and temporary ChatGPT

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Hello folks, here’s what we have today;

  1. 2 new tutorials are now live 🔥:

    1. How to prepare your data to train your AI model

    2. How to use AI to prepare for a job interview

  2. Amazon’s AI agent called Amazon Q is now generally available. Amazon Q wants to be the work assistant for AWS customers and challenge Copilot from Microsoft. It's designed for coders and business folks, letting them use natural language (like plain English) to interact with code and company data.🍿Our Summary (also below)

  3. 8 daily newspapers sue OpenAI and Microsoft over AI. OpenAI’s love-hate relationship with news publishers is still on. As it’s raking up deals with publishers like FT, 8 regional newspapers owned by Alden Global Group are suing OpenAI and Microsoft for copyright infringement.

  4. You can now start temporary chats with ChatGPT. These chats won’t affect your history & memory in the app and you won’t share the chat content with OpenAI. You can also opt out of sharing your data with OpenAI all across ChatGPT and still have access to chat history (which wasn’t the case before).

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  • Prem Platform* - An intuitive, user-friendly development platform for building generative AI solutions. Sign up now, and use any LLM like GPT-4 or Claude 3 with ease.

  • Yelp AI assistant - Find the right pro for the job.

  • Brainy Documents - Convert PDFs into explainer videos using AI.

  • Safebase - Automated, scalable security reviews.

  • Gigax - LLM-powered NPCs running on your hardware.

  • Dub AI - Manage your links more efficiently.

  • Whizzy - Build Laravel apps in seconds with AI.

  • Outfit.fm - Try on any outfit you want.

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Amazon’s AI agent called Amazon Q is now generally available. It's designed for coders and business folks, letting them use natural language (like plain English) to interact with code and company data.

What's going on here?

Amazon Q wants to be the work assistant for AWS customers (and more).

What does this mean?

Q is coming in three packages for now.

  • Amazon Q Developer writes code, debugs it, and even helps you wrap your head around unfamiliar projects.

  • Amazon Q Business answer questions, provide summaries, and create visuals based on business data. In QuickSight, it acts as an AI-powered business analyst.

  • Amazon Q Apps is the "build your own" flavour of Q. No coding skills needed! You describe what you want in plain English, and Q Apps creates a basic tool to automate a task.

Why should I care?

This is how work should be. We spend way too much time on repetitive tasks – searching for info, writing basic code, crunching numbers. Amazon Q could free up a ton of time, letting you focus on the creative, strategic stuff.

Amazon is also taking the route Google and Microsoft have taken with coherent branding (Gemini and Copilot). Everything is (or will be) Q for Amazon.

Ben’s Bites Insights

We have 2 databases that are updated daily which you can access by sharing Ben’s Bites using the link below;

  • All 10k+ links we’ve covered, easily filterable (1 referral)

  • 6k+ AI company funding rounds from Jan 2022, including investors, amounts, stage etc (3 referrals)


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