Daily Digest: Prove you're human

PLUS: Movies with AI, Another AI CEO resigns

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Hello folks, here’s what we have today;

  1. Worldcoin open sources its eye-scanning software i.e. The Orb’s core software components. Orb is a privacy-focused eyeball scanner to prove your humanness and separate yourself from AIs. Worldcoin and Orb are backed by OpenAI’s CEO Sam Altman.🍿Our Summary (also below)

  2. OpenAI wants Hollywood to use Sora. Bloomberg reports that COO Brad Lightcap has been scheduling meetings in LA since February with a batch of them scheduled for next week. Word is that Sam Altman also made rounds during the Oscars.🍿Our Summary (also below)

  3. Emad Mostaque resigns as Stability AI’s CEO and leaves its board as well. COO Shan Shan Wong and CTO Christian Laforte are Interim co-CEOs. Emad says it is his own decision because he wants to focus on decentralized AI. No coins tho.

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The Worldcoin Foundation just open-sourced the Orb’s core software components. Orb is a privacy-focused eyeball scanner to prove your humanness and separate yourself from AIs. Worldcoin and Orb are backed by OpenAI’s CEO Sam Altman.

What is going on here?

The core components of the Orb’s software are now publicly available on GitHub under an MIT/Apache 2.0 dual license.

What does this mean?

Worldcoin wants their Orb to be the gold standard for proving you're a real human online, but in a way that doesn't compromise your privacy. They just made verifying Orb's software a whole lot easier.

In today’s release, they outline the design requirements that Orb’s software needs to meet and open source two parts of their software pipeline:

  • Key image capture and processing code (how it takes your picture, ensures it's not a fake).

  • The process of encrypting your images and sending them only to you.

They've had experts poke around, and more audits are coming. This is critical, as the whole point is proving you're not a bot.

Why should I care?

Open-sourcing is vital for a device like the Orb. They claim to be privacy-focused and highly secure, but without seeing the code, it's just another “trust me bro” claim. Open source lets anyone (with the skills) dig in and verify these claims, building trust.

For them, the next steps are to increase the scope of these open releases, more audits and reduce the need to trust closed systems.


OpenAI is making moves into the film industry. OpenAI is showing Hollywood a new tool called 'Sora'. It's a text-to-video generator that could seriously change the way movies get made.

What is going on here?

OpenAI is actually demoing Sora to studios in LA already.

What does this mean?

OpenAI seems serious about this. They're taking a measured approach, working with the industry instead of dropping tech and running.

The groundwork for this effort is COO Brad Lightcap’s back-to-back meetings with film studios in LA, showcasing what Sora can do. According to Bloomberg, he’s got another batch of these meetings scheduled for next week. And he’s not alone, CEO Sam Altman also made rounds during the Oscars this year.

These talks are still in the early stages, but we're talking about potentially using AI for everything from rough special effects to location concept art.

Why should I care?

AI video getting mainstream faces two barriers: technical and mass adoption. With Sora, we’ve seen a glimpse of a technical solution but all of this could be for nothing if you cannot convince the biggest video creators i.e. film studios to adopt them.

OpenAI is taking that seriously and meeting with studios to get them on their side—similar to its push for signing deals with news publishers. This time they are going at it prior to releasing the model to the world, maybe to avoid another lawsuit like NYT’s.

If OpenAI succeeds we could see AI helping out with complex scenes sooner than expected. What do you think, will it be good to watch?

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