Daily Digest: Secret GPT model

PLUS: Apple vs Google for AI talent, Github Copilot Workspace.

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Hello folks, here’s what we have today;

  1. New tutorial: Learn how to turn complex documents into executive summaries and detailed insights

    • p.s. Our early bird access price will be increasing in June, From $150 one-time pricing to $250. Sign up now for $150.

  2. There’s a new secret model, gpt2 chatbot, with a GPT-4-Turbo-esque performance. It’s on LMsys, the community platform for rating LLMs. Speculations are going wild from it being GPT-4.5, or GPT-2 with Q* or a fine-tune for agentic reasoning. And no, Sam tweeting about it doesn’t help.

  3. GitHub just announced Copilot Workspace. It’s a cloud IDE with Copilot-based agents that can plan, write and debug the code for your idea. Get on the waitlist here or check out 🍿Our Summary (also below)

  4. Apple is poaching Google’s AI experts. An FT analysis finds that Apple has got at least 36 AI specialists from Google in the past few years. Combined with AI startup acquisition, Apple has focused on a secretive team in Zurich.

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GitHub Copilot has been a game-changer, boosting developer productivity with AI-powered code suggestions. Now, GitHub is taking it to the next level with GitHub Copilot Workspace—a complete development environment powered by natural language.

What is going on here?

GitHub announces Copilot Workspace to go from an idea to working code entirely using everyday language.

What does this mean?

You can start with a task, and Copilot Workspace assists like a thought partner, outlining a step-by-step plan pulled directly from your codebase.

You're still in control though—edit the plan, add notes, and tweak it to perfection. Copilot Workspace generates the code suggestions, and after you call the shots, you can execute code within the workspace.

Copilot Workspace is designed to be mobile-friendly and collaborative to make sharing with teammates easier. It’s a technical preview, you can get on the waitlist here.

Why should I care?

Copilot Workspace would remove a ton of friction for experienced devs, letting them focus on the big picture. For those new to coding, the barrier to entry would get way lower. GitHub’s not just aiming at devs more productive—with this, it is aiming to make more devs, period.

Ben’s Bites Insights

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  • All 10k+ links we’ve covered, easily filterable (1 referral)

  • 6k+ AI company funding rounds from Jan 2022, including investors, amounts, stage etc (3 referrals)


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