Daily Digest: I know you

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Hello folks, here’s what we have today;

  1. ChatGPT's getting an upgrade... memory! OpenAI is testing ways for it to remember details about you and your past conversations. Another step from OpenAI toward making ChatGPT a genuinely useful, long-term AI assistant.🍿Our Summary (also below)

  2. Aya by Cohere - Multilingual AI for 101 languages built by 3000+ researchers. LLMs are hot right now. But they often leave out a huge chunk of the world due to language barriers. Gotta think beyond English. Well, Cohere just did with Aya.🍿Our Summary

  3. Nvidia is building chat with PDF apps. I'm not joking. Nvidia dropped a demo called "Chat with RTX"—a chatbot you can run right on your PC. It crunches through documents and YouTube vids on your machine instead of needing cloud-based apps.🍿Our Summary (also below)

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ChatGPT's getting an upgrade... memory! OpenAI is testing ways for it to remember details about you and your past conversations. Another step from OpenAI toward making ChatGPT a genuinely useful, long-term AI assistant.

What is going on here?

ChatGPT can now remember what you tell it, to make future chats more personalized and efficient. [currently in limited testing]

What does this mean?

ChatGPT can now learn and adapt based on your chats. That means:

  • No more repeating yourself. Imagine you own a coffee shop – tell ChatGPT once, and it gets your vibe for social media posts or marketing ideas.

  • Personalized output. Meeting recaps in your exact style, and lesson plans that fit your schedule.

Basically, we taught ChatGPT to keep a notepad for itself. Every time you share information that might be useful for future reference, it'll (hopefully) add it to the notepad.

It’s a wider version of the custom instructions feature, except that it runs across all of your chats and ChatGPT automatically learns these new instructions. Don’t worry, you also get to control what it remembers and forgets.

  • Manage and delete specific memories in settings.

  • Turn the whole memory function off if you choose.

  • Use Temporary Chats when you don’t want chatGPT to remember stuff.

Custom GPTs will also get the memory feature which will stay separate from your main ChatGPT chats.

Why should I care?

This is a limited test, but it has huge implications. Think of ChatGPT less as a chatbot and more as a work buddy who learns over time. Explaining basics or reformatting stuff is a huge time suck among power users of ChatGPT (especially businesses).

Memory and Temporary Chats are currently available to a limited number of ChatGPT free and Plus users for feedback before a wider release. Once this gets live, you can focus on the big ideas, it'll handle the details.

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Nvidia dropped a demo called "Chat with RTX"—a chatbot you can run right on your PC. It crunches through documents and YouTube vids on your machine instead of needing cloud-based apps.

What is going on here?

Nvidia's bringing the Chat with PDF apps to your computer.

What does this mean?

Nvidia's stepping into the AI chatbot game, but with a twist. Their "Chat with RTX" demo lets you run a powerful chatbot right on your own PC (if you’ve got one with 8 Gigs of VRAM + other specs)

This is an unpolished demo, you can download it but not something you can rely heavily upon (yet). Nvidia's throwing the dev doors open so we can see what’s possible in terms of local AI.

Want to know how good this thing is? Some tips/results from Tom (The Verge):

  • It crashed when Tom tried to index 25,000 documents.

  • The app does not remember past messages, so you can't do contextual Q&A.

  • It creates JSON files within folders you choose to ask questions, be selective with the folders you use.

Why should I care?

The biggest impact of this is privacy: Your data stays on your PC, which matters to lots of us. Then there’s pricing too: If you have a PC that can run AI models locally, you don’t want to pay a monthly subscription for a cloud app. And anything that doesn’t use internet is a plus anyway.

Reminder: Chat with RTX is an early demo, not a perfect product. Expect setup issues and inaccuracies.

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